The 33rd Annual Riley Walk
Presented by the Kiwanis Clubs of Southwestern Indiana, in partnership with Deaconess Riley Children's Services.

In recent years, the Kiwanis Clubs of the Southwind Division have raised more funds for Riley Children's Hospital than any other Kiwanis Division in the State of Indiana, totaling over $662,000. This is thanks in part to the great dedication of the Evansville community, parents and individuals impacted by Deaconess Riley Children's Services and Riley Children's Hospital. We thank you for your consideration and support.
» Flyer PDF (To download, right click and select "Save as...")
Register Today!
Help support the Kiwanis Clubs of the Southwind Division raise money for Deaconess Riley Children's Services
and Riley Children's Hospital by signing up today to donate to the 33rd Annual Riley Walk.
Registration is $25 per participant.
Please note that pre-registration closes Thursday, February 20th at 5:00PM. After this time, you will need to register at the event.
Contact Us
We invite you to use the form below to send us any questions or comments.
Checks may be mailed to:
Kiwanis Riley Walk
Sharon Johnson
3800 Herndon Dr.
Evansville, IN 47715
Please make checks payable to
Kiwanis Riley Walk.